Monday, September 05, 2005

Epitaph for a Blue Birdmobile

I was very pleasantly surprised to open up the new issue of Birding and see an article (p. 528) by DuPage County's own Bob Fisher (no, not the Missouri Bob Fisher!) lamenting the demise of what was perhaps the most recognizable birding vehicle in the State of Illinois: The Fishers' Blue Birdmobile!

I remember the first time I ever saw the Blue Birdmobile, on a windy fall day at the Palos West slough. You could also count on the presence of the Blue Birdmobile when a rarity was around, often sharing a parking lot with cars bearing license plates like Falcon or Avocet. Oh, the birds that Suburban has seen; I bet it had a longer life list than most of the birders in Illinois!

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