Saturday, July 30, 2005

More original content on the way!!!!

This blog will feature the input of many different birders, especially over the next few weeks, when I will be out of town a bit and will have a couple of major projects due at work.

In the next couple of days we will have some posts on shorebirding in the Chicago area, hopefully a post or two on birding in Florida, and we will start what will hopefully be a series of "20 Questions" interviews with birders from around the world. Our first "victim" will be Bill Murphy, a FOBINAC (Friend Of Birding Is Not A Crime) who is also the author of a great Lane-type guide entitled "A Birderwatchers' Guide to Trinidad & Tobago." T&T is a special place for me, as it was my first true birding trip to the tropics, and is a great destination for anyone looking to head south for a bit of birding fun. Many thanks to Bill for answering our first-ever 20 Questions.

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