Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Just messing around practicing some embedding...


Poison covering...oh never mind, just watch it:


Larry said...

Those are fun clips-I've seen ZZ top a few times in concert-The Poison Video is pretty cleverly done as well.

Laura said...

My name is Laura, and I work with MyOutdoorTv.com. If you haven't heard, MyOutdoorTV is the #1 website for outdoor TV shows. We recently added a blog section to our site. We love your blog, and we added it as a link. Thanks for providing such great content, and let us know if there's any content we can provide you with. Also, if you wouldn't mind sending us your address (my email is lhippensteel@myoutdoortv.com), we would love to send you a free hat. Thanks again and keep blogging!
All the best,