Sunday, March 05, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Yesterday was a nice, warm, sunny spring day in Chicagoland, and I even got out to do a little "local patch" birding, for the first time in a few months. Today, though, we are in the middle of a March snowstorm here in Chicago. It has been snowing for at least 3-4 hours here along the lakefront, and there is probably an inch or two on the ground downtown. This is the kind of day that gives me the opportunity to clean up my dvr a little bit, and catch up on some AviSysing. Right now I am putting in some of my notes from my Tokyo trip last November. (Maybe the "lost" trip report from my my day will eventually make it to this site.)

I am not a great record keeper, so I usually have to decipher my sightings from scribbled pieces of paper or index cards. I have switched over to using small spiral notebooks in the field, which has worked a bit better for me. These scraps of paper often contain scribbled non-birding notes as well, especially if I am on a foreign trip.

Here are some of the random notes from my Tokyo scribbles: They have green tea gelato in Japan...they have electric toilets in Japan...I saw, more than once, a sleeping businessman fall into another sleeping businessman on the Tokyo subway.

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