Another long and (unfortunately) unproductive day. I have to pack tonight (almost midnight on Sunday here in Tokyo...hey, did the Bears win yet???) so a full account of today's birding will have to wait until I get home.
Until then, check out the cool gull I saw today. I'll send some free Chicago area birding stuff (maybe the birding trail pamphlet) to the first person who can id this gull. (Note: Charlie Moores is excluded--it would be too easy for him!)
Not allowed to enter? I almost feel famous :)) Great photo incidentally...
Charlie, you are famous to me! No one else gotten the gull right so far, so I may have just excluded the only reader capable of winning the contest.
On a related note, one reason why I was so excited to visit Japan is because I have never birded Asia before, and most of the American birders I know have little or no field experience in Asia. I guess that makes sense when you consider how far away Asia is, and how relatively easy it is for American birders to head down to Central and South America, but I think we're missing the boat on a lot of great places.
Most of the British birders I know seem to have done Thailand pretty early in their birding "careers," and have moved on to progessively more challenging places in Asia, just like a lot of U.S. birders do in Latin America.
A while back, Ben King spoke at one of the local bird club meetings in Chicago. He gave a great presentation, but I'm not sure he got more than one or two new customers out of the deal.
Is it a Saunder's gull (larus saundersi)?
Clare, you are correct!
If you want to send me your address privately, I'll send some Chicago Birding Trail pamphlets to you.
For others reading these comments, you probably have no idea what gull photo we're talking about, because Blogger seems to have deleted all of my photos...not sure what that's all about, hopefully it is only a temporary problem that will be fixed soon.
Hello BINAC. I received the pamphlets in todays mail. Thank you very much. Now I just have to make it to Chicago.
Hi Clare;
Glad you received the pamphlets. If you ever do plan to be in Chicago, please let me know, and we'll take you to some of the places featured in the Birding Trail guide.
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