I know those namby-pamby birders who think all birders (except for themselves, of course) are evil constantly refer to the ABA's "Birder's Code of Ethics" or similar codes, but that really doesn't help the average birder that much. I've been working on a "Birder's Ten Commandments" and a "Birder's Bill of Rights." Like Jefferson, I will take my time and get them right.
Last weekend I was in NYC and I made a "rookie birder" mistake. The rule I violated should probably be the first or second Commandment:
"Thou shalt not travel anywhere without thy binoculars. ANYWHERE."
I am so ashamed. I knew we were not going to be near Central Park, so I figured there would be nothing to see. We did the typical tourist things...went to Yankee Stadium...

...saw some of the important historical sites...
...and so on, and so on.
And then my family decided they wanted to go to the beach. To see the Jersey Shore. To visit Sandy Hook. WAIT A MINUTE---SANDY HOOK????? Where are my *&%$#@* binoculars??? Why didn't you tell me we were going to Sandy Hook? I would have brought my *&$% binoculars!!!
Never again will I make that same mistake.
Well, except today. Because right now I'm in the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) and I DIDN'T BRING MY *&$*%(@&;^%*$ binoculars!!!!
Oh, the shame, the guilt, why did I make the same mistake twice!!! Maybe this is a sign from heaven that I should buy a good pair of compact binoculars...I hear that some of the smaller Zeiss compacts are a great deal.
P.S. The Arthur Treacher's on the NJ Turnpike makes the best hush puppies in the world. Can't stop eatin' 'em.
I dont want to make you feel even worse, but there are a trio of Fulvous Whistling Ducks at Jamaica Bay NWR in Brooklyn, about 20 minutes out of NYC.
Well, I deserve that, but at least I saw a few Fulvous Whistling Ducks in Florida this past wekend.
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