Sunday, September 25, 2005

From the field: Birding Olive Park

Today I decided to stay close to home, due to the generally crummy/rainy weather and the expected Sunday traffic, with the Bears, Cubs, White Sux, and Blackhawks all playing at home today. (Northerly Island is tough to access on days when the Bears are playing.) The rain wasn't actually too bad, but it looks like it will be raining off and on all day. (Right now it's raining at Soldier Field but not at my place a mile or two north.)

So I decided to hit Olive Park, on the Chicago lakefront near Navy Pier at about Ohio Street. I used to regularly bird Olive Park, but lately much of my free time has been spent at Northerly Island, so this is only the first or second time I have gone to the O.P. this fall. Hopefully I will do a site guide for Olive Park in the next few weeks.

Anyway, the birding was a bit slow, but there were decent numbers of birds, including :Northern Flicker (14), House Wren (2), Sedge Wren (1), Nashville (1), Magnolia (1), Yellow-rumped (11), Palm (1), Blackpoll (2), Wilson's (1), Lincoln's Sparrow (3), White-throated Sparrow (19), and White-crowned Sparow (1).

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